Seymour Sinclair Investments Ltd
Terms of website
Please read the important information below before making an investment. If you have any questions on the Terms and Conditions please contact us.
- Seymour Sinclair Investments Limited offers a non-advised execution only service whereby no advice or recommendations are given to customers. If you are unsure about an investment you should seek expert advice.
If after seeking advice, you are unsure in any way about an investment you should not proceed with it. Tax assumptions are subject to statutory change and the value of tax relief (if any) will depend upon your individual circumstances. - As we don’t know your individual circumstances, none of the information in this website is specific to you; Therefore Seymour Sinclair Investments Limited can take no responsibility for the decisions you make from it. You must obtain full details of the products and look at your own circumstances, objectives and attitudes to risk before proceeding.
Seymour Sinclair Investments Limited is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority and offers a non-advised execution only service.
- We use Fidelity Adviser Solutions and Aegon who have sole responsibility for safeguarding and administering your investments. We give no individual investment advice and act only on instructions received.
Before investing it is important that you read our Terms and Conditions, the Terms and Conditions of the Platforms, and the Key Features Documents and Key Investor Information Documents where available for the funds which you are considering. If you have any questions relating to these or require printed copies, please contact us before making an investment. - The Seymour Sinclair Investments Limited website contains information provided by third parties which we believe to be accurate and reliable. Whilst every effort has been made to ensure that all information, including unit prices, fund holdings and portfolio valuations are correct, Seymour Sinclair Investments Limited cannot guarantee this and cannot be held responsible for any loss incurred as a result of their use.
- Past performance is not a reliable indication of future returns, the value of units and the income from them, can fall as well as rise and you may get back less than your original investment. The investments featured in the website do not provide guarantees and you could lose all your money. The investments are not readily accessible.
- All investments are intended to be held for the long term.
- Levels and basis of, and reliefs from taxation can change. Tax reliefs referred to are those currently available and their relevance depends on the individual circumstances of the investor and their tax position. As with all investments, the tax treatment of ISAs is subject to change by HM Revenue and Customs.
- Income from investments may fluctuate and part of the capital may be used to pay that income
- Non investment grade bonds are contained in some funds which carry a risk that the capital value of the fund will be affected because they have an increased risk of default on repayment by the issuing companies compared to investment grade bonds.
- Before transferring or liquidating an investment you should ascertain whether any exit penalties or initial charges will apply and consider whether it will be beneficial to you over the period of the investment to proceed. If investments are liquidated you may suffer a loss of income or growth, should the market rise, while the transfer remains pending.
- Before switching away from funds that are outside Fidelity Adviser Solutions or Aegon please be aware that some products have to be sold and re-bought in order to get them onto the platform, which will incur charges/costs.
If you subsequently decide to move from one Platform Provider to another or you no longer require the service, some providers do not allow re-registration to another provider. The investments have to be sold and re-bought, which will incur costs/charges.
Where transfers and re-registration is possible, costs may still be incurred and you should expect the process to take some time to complete. - Exchange rate fluctuations may have an adverse effect on the value of non-UK shares.
- Structured Products are higher risk investments. They are not capital protected and are not covered by the Financial Services Compensation Scheme(FSCS) for default alone. It’s important to fully understand your chosen investment by reading the full Key Investor Information Document (KIID).
- If you are unsure about Capital Gains Tax on encashment or Income Tax on investments, you should seek expert advice as we do not advise on tax matters.
- The information on this site is intended solely for the use of those people who are United Kingdom residents for tax and investment purposes. It is not for distribution in any other jurisdiction, including the United States of America. Anyone who is not a UK resident should not continue with this site unless wishing to read about personal finances available to UK residents for informational purposes only.
Your Capital is at Risk
Seymour Sinclair Investments Limited is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority and offers an execution-only service. Past performance is not a reliable guide to future returns. Market and exchange-rate movements may cause the value of investments to go down as well as up. Yields will fluctuate and so income from investments is variable and not guaranteed. You may not get back the amount originally invested. Tax treatment depends of your individual circumstances and may be subject to change in the future. If you are unsure about the suitability of any investment you should seek professional advice. Whilst Seymour Sinclair provide product information, guidance and fund research we cannot recommend which of these products or funds, if any, are suitable for your particular circumstances and must leave that judgement to you. Before investing you must read the Seymour Sinclair and Platforms Terms and Conditions and it is important that you read the specific risk factors on the Key Investor Information Documents for the funds which you are considering investing in.
For non-platform business, where we can still give discounts, those discounts are subject to receipt of commission and may be subject to change if commission levels are altered. The information on this site is intended solely for the use of those people who are United Kingdom residents for tax and investment purposes.